

02 Sep 1999

S'What A Day

30 Jan 2002

Fart Up & Leave

04 Apr 2003

Anguish Self Battle

07 Jun 2005

The 'Kind' Stranger

26 Dec 2010

Lead the World Like You Would Lead Your Family

23 Aug 2020

When Fear Is The New Norm, Selfishness Is Not

More to be uploaded...


Creative positive perspectives


So, if you may allow yourself some time to spare, better still –somewhere in solitary, with a good cup of coffee or tea, let me share with you: the writings on my wall, literally. This is where I share all my mind-wandering thoughts which usually happen when I'm showering or when I'm driving.

I write about thought-provoking issues, about mortal livelihood or the society in general, sometimes about arts or its philosophy, and very little on personal development (I prefer this topic to be in a podcast instead). In perspectives that would change lives for the better, I hope, may this blog shed light upon your blocks and downs.

Connect with me if you would. I look forward to seeing your comments!