	•	To achieve a clear system of gauging a

Hello, I’m Damien Chew. As a founder to this business; being an agent in wedding music, or simply being in a music agency, my drive and hope is be able to improve the local music scene and its services in many aspects one could see and have not seen. Just a few words about myself and music: Music is what I grew up to, where it has touched me to the point that it shaped my character, philosophy and way of life. I see music as a remedy to our hearts, a service for others, a medium to send meanings, a creation of ambience, and pure fun. Thus, the founding of this company is with the intention of making band services to be more efficient and beneficial for all parties (wedding couples and performers too), besides creating more secured jobs for myself and my fellow colleagues. Without this group of talented musicians in Penang to come together and cooperate, none of these band services would be successful. I am glad to have clients that appreciate our services by showing their support in promoting us, WiC, through words of mouth.

The vision is to cultivate music enthusiasts on the mindset of being focused at their art or specialty in a complete ‘package’; where ‘package’ means the positive attitude to learn, practice and improve, and the passion to deliver their service or talent with utmost professionalism. And through these focused-minded talents working together, the result can only get better and better through time. A good show makes the crowd going, some satisfied clients, and a happy band.

To say about what is ahead of us, musicians/performers: New talents may unearth every other year. However, one has to know which path they are taking (within their interest) because the music industry is wide and may vary in their approach in learning the set of skills for specific purposes regarding music itself. Speaking in a brief of performing arts, know that there are the differences to doing entertainment as a service, and doing entertainment as an art of its own. One should still express the art of music as genuine as possible, but the long term preparation to these two paths is rather different. Taking for example, performing to a general audience (young to old, local and abroad) and performing to a specific audience (music-goers of certain genres or particularly within one's fans), the idea is quite different. From song-repertoire, show-flow, up to stage character, the approach to these shows-preparation differ from one another. Yet, the core is still to draw one’s own path and practice and work towards it.

As music involves so many aspects ranging from equipment, skills, team-working, customer service, and audience’s preferences, the idea is to encourage more time and effort spent in improving these aspects mentioned and to grow together as a community. Rather than being stagnant as a musician or a singer, we encourage enthusiasts in advancing in their musical journey or career. Whether being an audience (listener) or the performer, we have got to realise how music and its services could influence our lives positively, and to avoid seeing the local music industry in a negative and stereotyped way.

To artistes/performers,

“Take courage in the art of expressings ourselves, and learn to master the secrets to connect."

To music lovers,

“Be more opened to accept music and its message/purpose. However, do not lose the critical part to distinguish the effort and the art of a beautiful musical piece."

To agents,

“Stop reaping from musicians. Success stories can be made through sincere and kind efforts. Though nothing is fair in this world, please have good intentions.”

"Take courage in the art of expressings ourselves, and learn to master the secrets to connect."

July 2013

Dec 2019

Damien Chew is a singer-songwriter that had graduated with a bachelor's degree in Industrial Design (Science) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 2011. He pursued his musical career right after his tertiary education and founded WiC in 2012. Read more on his journey..

In arts and entertainment, instability may be the main reason for most people to avoid choosing this path of work. Hence, the passion and courage to beat the odds of lasting long in this industry is solely needed.

The course of this company is to bring together the same enthusiastic musicians and singers to work and to improve together happily whether in providing services to clients, or making music for any noble causes. As any society that is ever-evolving, there will always be missions to accomplish due to its change. Hence, from time to time, the company's objectives and strategies may also change, but basically, it is to help and guide performers to achieving a stable career in music.

Vision Needs Courage